AmigaSoc UK
Official UGN representatives for the United Kingdom
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Welcome to the special AFCD edition of the AmigaSoc UK website. What's new this month ? Well, there's lookalikes for starters. Apart from that, Paul Compton from Elevate BBS has kindly supplied us with the most up-to-date list he has (at the time of writing) of Amiga shareware that can be registered on-line in one way or another. Some of you may know that Paul was the man who did a sterling job running the shareware stand at WOA (and even got a picture of his beaming face in AF to prove it!). We have many behind-the-scenes upgrades to the AmigaSoc website in the pipeline which should mean that, among other things, our user group database will be faster, more flexible, and more up-to-date than before. As always, stay tuned!
Welcome to the AmigaSoc UK home pages. AmigaSoc are dedicated
to supporting Amiga users, developers, and retailers in the UK
(and where possible, the world). For a more detailed description
of who we are and what we've done for the Amiga community in the
past, read this.

As far as our website is concerned, we aim to provide a
comprehensive suite of online Amiga-related services.
Whether you're looking for your local user group, Amiga dealers,
after some sort of second hand Amiga kit, or are having a
spot of bother with your machine, we've got the lot!

Officially endorsed
User Organisation
This site is sponsored by   IMMStudios
All material (both graphical and textual) on this site is copyright AmigaSoc UK and may not not be used elsewhere without our consent. The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of IMM Studios Ltd.